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Erigone Dellis is a tribute by Probably Reading. Please do not enter this tribute in any Hunger Games without permission, and please do not edit this page without permission from Erigone Dellis's owner.

Erigone Dellis
Erigone Dellis
"I look at lots of people. That doesn't mean I want to get to know them."
District Ten (8, 6)
Biological Information
Name Erigone Dellis
Gender Female
Age 16
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Height 5'4"
Games Information
Weapon Twin Swords, Throwing Axes, Garrote
Personality Stoic, Emotionless, Inquisitive, Mephistophelian, Strategic
Alliance Alone
Best Ranking --
Favorite Games --

Name: Erigone Cascadia Andromeda Dellis

Gender: Female

District: 10 (6,8)

Age: 16

Weapon: Twin Swords, Throwing Axes, Garrote

Appearance: District Ten is known for its essentially average-looking citizens. Though Erigone has common brown hair and hazel eyes, her overall aura sets her apart from the rest. She always has a look on her face that suggests she is analyzing something or coming up with a plan to cause someone's demise. Very little will you see her talking; she's not one for social interaction, and most people avoid her, anyway. This is mostly due to her generally calculating look - she always looks like she's judging something.

Strengths/skills: Erigone is more talented than she seems, that's for sure. Despite her rural upbringing, she's excellent with people and psychology. Due to her history of farming, Erigone is agile and strong. Lastly, Erigone is a master of strategy - her plans never fail, and she always has backups.

Weakness(es): Erigone, though skilled, has her faults. She speculates her downfall will be due to her terrible swimming and climbing skills, or due to her curious nature. Curiosity did kill the cat, after all.

Personality: TBA



  • Born to a poor farming family
  • Became intertwined with the life of the rich by being in the wrong place at the wrong time
  • Became romantically involved with a boy named Darryn Yisees
  • Erigone's dad, Icarius, liked Darryn, so he allowed Erigone to invite him to a party of theirs they threw due to their newfound fortune
  • Darryn and Erigone became drunk at the party
  • The two killed Icarius because they thought he had poisoned them
  • They hid his body in the wheat fields behind the house
  • The next day, Erigone and her dog found Icarius's body
  • Depressed and angry, Erigone volunteered for the Hunger Games

I was normal, once. I can hardly remember my mundane, average life. I was an infant. It had been days since I had been born. My mother had unfortunately died during my delivery. Luckily for me, my father wasn't the type to blame me for her death. Now that I think of it, I faintly remember his looks of indifference that would follow his long bouts of staring off into space. He would stop as we were planting seeds and just stare at the ground. His gray eyes would sometimes cross when he wasn't paying attention; other times, his eyes would be unblinkingly fixed at the soil. But he always acted as if it was nothing. I could tell he just wanted to save me from worrying about him - I was a young girl who could hardly do much about a man over six times my age.

I was nine when I first learned about the high society of District Ten. The District was a poor one; this is true. But there will always be the upper class that fancies themselves as higher than the others and, well, better. I didn't think much of the caste system of our District at the time, of course. I went about my day, gaping as the girls in sparkling clothes with crystal clear skin walked past me in the marketplace. Their hair was long and styled; their bodies were lanky yet desirable. I had always wanted to be them.

And one day, my dream came true.

I was thirteen. I remember because I had saved up the coins I had gotten for my birthday and the measly funds I had acquired through begging and trading and selling my bread. I traveled to the marketplace closest to the mayor's home; that part of the District was full of merchants who sold fine wares, much unlike the ones closer to home who would scavenge items from abandoned houses and cottages.

I had been walking on a bridge. I could see the market in the distance and hear the patrons talking and negotiating with the sellers. I could even smell the bread. I was so excited; I was practically giddy. But then the wood I had been standing on began to creak under my feet, and it was too late to move.

The distance wasn't very far down, and the water wasn't even too deep, I will admit. But I would have been deemed a "rural girl" if I showed up with my clothes dirty and wet. Nobody would sell to me unless I had a lot of money to show.

And that was when a firm hand had grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the broken board.

He smelled like alcohol, if I had to be honest. But at that point, I didn't care. I was lost in his dark eyes and beautiful face.

"Hi," I awkwardly said.

The boy, who was also my age, smiled at me. "And hi to you, too," he charmingly replied.

I stepped away from him, feeling out of place as I glanced at his clothing. He was wearing clean, ironed clothes the likes of which I had never seen before in my small rural region.

"Darryn Yisees," he introduced. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss...?"

I was taken aback by his fine manners. Most boys our age wouldn't have even bothered to catch me, nevermind talk in such a formal fashion. I had to respond to him; it was the polite thing to do.

"Dellis," I told him. "Erigone Dellis," I corrected, pushing a strand of unruly dark hair behind my ear.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Dellis. What a gorgeous name for a girl of the same nature! Anyway, I don't think this route would be a wise one to take. I can help you to the market, if you'd like."

I blushed at his words and cursed my father for making me so pale. "That would be wonderful, Mister Yisees," I replied with equal zeal. So we walked off the bridge and found ourselves on a path.

"It's quite quiet here, is it not?" Darryn asked. I couldn't help but grin at his alliteration.

"It is quite quiet, I would say." Perhaps, I thought, I could make myself like him - conventional and strait-laced. I figured it was like changing one's penmanship - if you mimic it long enough, it will eventually become yours.

"I always enjoyed the woods, though. Perhaps I find solace in the foliage. I continue to find the scenery breathtaking, save the insects that ravage the area."

I snickered. "I am of a farming family, so I am accustomed to the bugs and animals. They aren't that bad, I dare say, but they are certainly irksome, I confess. Your thoughts, Darryn?"

He smiled at me. It was a smile that was of disbelief, of amusement. "How does one stand them? I can hardly stand a small gnat flittering around me, nevermind work in the same area as them."

I almost shrugged, but I quickly remembered my company. "I suppose the usual of my caste are the outlandish of yours."

We walked in silence from then on. Every now and then, Darryn would open his mouth as if to say something, but shut it as if thinking his thought was unintelligent or not tactful to say.

We reached the marketplace. People dressed like Darryn buzzed from booth to booth, making polite small talk with each other as they passed another similarly dressed citizen. There was no yelling like the market back home had. There were no fights going on. The scene was alien to me.

"You appear bewildered," said Darryn. "Would you like me to help show you around?"

So we spent the day together. We became close during the spell we spent shopping. He introduced me to some of his friends and even his parents! His parents shared a look, and his mother invited me to a ball. A ball! In this day and age! The proposal was odd, but I excitedly accepted anyway.

Interview Angle: Erigone will answer her questions with tact, and will not mention anything about her strategy unless she knows how to appeal to wealthy sponsors.

Bloodbath Strategy: Erigone will simply grab the first bag and weapon she sees. Worst case scenario, she'll ally with the Careers.

Games Strategy: After betraying and killing any possible allies she might have, Erigone will migrate around the arena and pick off tributes.

Token: She brings a simple black cloak into the arena. If this is not permitted, her leather notebook and pen will do.

Height: 5'4"

Fears: Erigone fears her judgement becoming impaired again like the night she killed her father.

Alliance: Erigone is a loner, but she will willingly make truces and fake alliances.




Monsters - Ruelle

Erigone was inspired by the character of Greek mythology of the same name - the daughter of Icarius of Athens, that is. Characters from Pride and Prejudice partially inspired her, too.She was also inspired by the song "Monsters" by Ruelle. Main lyrics that inspired her/relate to her:

And you better stay clever if you want to survive. 

We never shoot to stun. 

We're kings of the killing, we're out for blood. 


  • She was originally created on January 11, 2016 and finished on (TBA).
  • Her name simply means "daughter of Icarius," which makes sense considering the character this tribute was based on. 
  • Her quote is from Skins, a British TV show. 
  • Darryn Yisees is based on Dionysius.